Tightly Curly Product Recommendations

When I made peace with my hair, I made peace with myself
Its a ten conditioner
Combing Conditioners

It’s a 10 Miracle Deep Conditioner Plus Keratin

Its a ten conditioner ingredients - cropped

Product Summary: A good comber and a light clumper, this would be good for hair that gets weighed down easily, so you want a lighter product than what I usually recommend. I don’t think it’s worth the price as there are way cheaper conditioners that I feel comb as well and hold curls better, but if a lighter clump is what you want, this would (expensively) do the job okay.

Update 4/15/2017: The conditioner combed really nicely, with that glassy feel I like so much. It separated nicely due to the nice slipperiness. However, though it did clump, it didn’t clump with enthusiasm. The curliest parts of my hair (the top, back of my head) ended up getting sort of matted by the end of the week. I did get that part of my hair sort of snagged in some branches while gardening, so I can’t say for certain the matting wasn’t caused by that.

Overall, I’ll give this a tepid recommendation, best if you want a product a little lighter that some of the others I recommend. At the insane price of this product (over $20), I will not buy this again. And I most likely won’t use this again because there are cheaper products that work way better. But if you want something lighter, and don’t mind paying this kind of price, this is an okay option, though I don’t feel it’s worth the price.

Update 4/1/2017: I just finished combing with this conditioner. It was a slippery a comb as I thought it would be. It has that nice glassy feel I like to have when combing. It seems to be clumping okay as my hair dries. At the end of the week or so I’ll let you know how it lasted.

Update 3/9/2017: I’ve just officially gone through all the ingredients. There were a couple I wasn’t thrilled with, but none that seemed like total deal breakers.  Keratin amino acids may have a high salt content, which doesn’t thrill me. But my ingredient books don’t say for sure it has salt, just that the chemical reaction that produces keratin amino acids may create salt. So I think I’ll give it a try. If it turns out drying, I’ll most likely know the culprit. Retinyl palmitate, another iffy ingredient in this product, has been found safe for use so long as it makes up less than one percent of a product. Since it’s near the bottom of the ingredients list, well after fragrance, it should be okay.

2/11/2016: Here’s another conditioner on my list of ones to try. It was expensive (over twenty dollars)! But I’m trying to sample a cross section of price ranges here. I’d never heard of this brand before, so I’ll be curious to try it out if all the ingredients check out.